Logistic services

Steps you must follow to be a successful importer in Paraguay

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In the year 2024 and despite the geopolitical situation in some areas of the planet and the consequences left by the pandemic on the world economy, there are very good chances of becoming a successful importer in Paraguay.

We can say that trade is recovering at an accelerated pace and many companies and governments have established new alliances, signing cooperation agreements and opening up to markets in countries with emerging economies, which promise a high demand and supply of goods and services.

Added to this is the great progress that has been registered since 2010 in the simplification of customs procedures, standardization of cargo handling and reduction of bureaucratic steps for the import and export of products.

All this has helped to facilitate the work of companies in charge of handling international cargo and has made the process of moving goods safer for manufacturers and end buyers.

Paraguay has an advantageous position in this new world scenario, with a stable economy and good relations with neighbors with developed industries, such as Brazil and Argentina.

Added to this is the fact that the number of Paraguayan businessmen who have established relationships with similar companies in Mexico, the United States and Europe has grown, offering them mainly agricultural products and beef.

On the other hand, Paraguay mainly imports industrial machinery, plastic and petroleum products, electronic devices and vehicles.

Are you interested in becoming a successful importer in Paraguay? It doesn’t matter if your company is small and your capital is limited, you can be successful by following some basic steps.

Market research, the first step to being a successful importer in Paraguay

As with any other business operation, it is important to conduct as thorough a market research as possible before investing in your import operation. This includes steps such as:

    • Research the demand for the product you want to import in Paraguay, including current demand and medium- and long-term demand estimates.

This way, you can more accurately determine the performance rates compared to the initial investment you will make to import the product.

    • Research the variety, quality, and prices of products imported by your competition and find out whether or not these could be more widely accepted than yours.

This also includes studying similar products manufactured in Paraguay and their advantages or disadvantages in terms of production volumes, quality, and price. or price compared to imported ones.

    • You should also choose a good supplier, who guarantees the delivery of the products on time and at a price that suits you.

Use the Internet to find out the reputation of the suppliers, as well as which ones are the most recommended in the countries from which you want to import products to Paraguay.

Also remember that many manufacturers have offices dedicated to wholesale marketing. Using this service can reduce the price of your merchandise and save time in shipping to port.

If you want to be a successful importer in Paraguay you cannot neglect the issue of import costs, which includes both the payment of international freight and customs fees as well as the cost of transporting your goods for distribution in the national territory.

Know the laws and regulations for successful imports in Paraguay

Update your knowledge of current laws and regulations. The successful import of goods and products is always based on respect for the rules and laws. Research and know these rules thoroughly before starting your project.

It is important that you know the current technical standards and legal requirements related to the type and quantity of products you want to import.

Remember that although most import products are subject to the same regulations, some types of merchandise may have restrictions that imply the payment of additional fees or requesting special permits.

There are also products or merchandise that require special handling and storage, which in turn has higher costs for the importer.

Examples of this are chemical products for industrial use, medicines or materials for their production, petrochemical products and perishable foods or those that require refrigeration.

Always keep your cargo documents in order. Customs are the gateway to Paraguay and every product that enters through them must have the documentation that guarantees its legality.

For this reason, you should always have the purchase invoices and other documents that certify that you are the owner of the cargo that is entering the country, as well as the cargo packing list, certificates of origin and the international freight documentation.

Choose the best payment method for your successful import to Paraguay

Thanks to global economic globalization, there are now numerous payment mechanisms in international trade. Choosing the most appropriate method is very important for the success of your import.

You must ensure that your supplier uses internationally recognized and reliable payment mechanisms, such as letters of credit and electronic transfers.

Remember that you must always pay for the merchandise in advance, so you must have the financing prepared in advance to cover the import operation.

Don’t skimp on the international logistics of your shipments

Finally, you must consider the cost of transportation from country to country, as this will affect the final price of your products and the profitability of your import project to Paraguay.

In this case, you have the option of hiring international freight services through different countries and means of transportation or doing it through a company specialized in international logistics.

Without a doubt, if you want to become a successful importer in Paraguay, it is best to have the advice of an experienced company from the beginning, such as Alfa Trading S.A.

At Alfa Trading we have more than 3 decades of experience in international logistics services and we have experts who can help you prepare your import activities at the lowest cost and with the greatest efficiency.

We have freight forwarders in different parts of the planet ready to support you with customs clearance and maritime, air and land transportation.

Our support includes tracking and verifying the delivery of your products at their destination, so with us your import will be in good hands.



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